Deo Vindice

James Atticus Bowden




Last Call to Vote


There are good reasons to vote the Republican ticket Nov. 8. Get out there and do it!


The reasons to vote Republican in Poquoson and York County differ by candidate. The reasons to vote for Jerry Kilgore for Governor, Bill Bolling for Lt. Governor, Bob McDonnell for Attorney General, and Tom Gear and Melanie Rapp are different for each candidate.


The fact that they are all Republican is good enough for Party line voters. Yet, discerning voters will find more compelling reasons. Here is my take.


Jerry Kilgore for Governor


The reason to vote for Jerry over Democrat Tim Kaine is more about character than issues. Kilgore will end the car tax and death tax. The budget surplus from the largest tax increase in Virginia history, which Kaine supported and Kilgore opposed, provides more than enough money for the essential spending and infrastructure needs.


Kilgore is more trustworthy for the high office of the Governor of the oldest democratic representative state in the Western Hemisphere. Kaine promises he will set aside his lifelong and deeply held religious beliefs to obey the will of The People and use the death penalty to execute guilty criminals. Kaine also promises he will set aside his lifelong and deeply held religious beliefs to stop the will of The People and veto any restrictions on abortion of innocent babies.  Kaine promised in writing to not use clips from a debate. Then Kaine took a poll to see if the voters would be upset about him breaking his word and making an attack ad from the debate (Washington Post, Oct 26). What kind of man takes a poll to see if it will cost him politically to break his word? Not someone who should be Governor of our Commonwealth.


Bill Bolling for Lieutenant Governor


The reasons to vote for Bill over Leslie Byrne flow off the lips. Bolling is an economic, social, and defense Conservative. As a Virginia Senator, Bill’s voting record is as solid, dependable and courageous as his beliefs. Bolling is the subject of personal attacks from the most Liberal candidate in Virginia’s history. Byrne is even more Liberal than Kaine.


Bolling deserves a protest vote against the politics of personal destruction. Byrne’s specious allegations are beneath Virginia’s standards for public discourse. 

Bolling is the son of a coal miner rising to the heights of public service. When Bill talks about freedom, family and faith, he understands it and means it because he has lived it. Furthermore, Bill is one of the brightest, most insightful analysts of how to move the Commonwealth forward and change will persevering the best – true Conservatism – that I’ve seen in Virginia.


Bob McDonnell for Attorney General


The primary reasons to vote for Bob over Creigh Deeds are the principles that guide his politics. Bob is a Conservative. Bob is dedicated to the public service he saw his parents live in NoVa. He has served The People in office and as a public prosecutor throughout his adult life in Virginia Beach.


Deeds served as public prosecutor too. While both Deeds and McDonnell made out-of-court settlements with child molesters for reasonable legal reasons, Deeds let some molesters go free without jail time. McDonnell had every child molester locked up. That is a key difference between Conservatives and Liberals.


Melanie Rapp for Delegate


Melanie voted against the Tax hike in 04. Melanie is unopposed.


Tom Gear for Delegate


The reasons to vote for Tom over Randy Gilliland run deep. Tom has represented The People of the 91st HD openly, honestly, and bravely. Tom doesn’t push his agenda, but serves The People’s requests. Tom sponsored the first strong legislation to fight illegal immigration. Tom fights tax increases. The rich and powerful special interests who run Hampton and Newport News hate that and him. The people who profit from government, making their living off the Commonwealth and local taxes and spending, fought Tom bitterly in 01, 03 and now 05. Same names, same money, same politics.  Except this time it has a new low in mud-slinging.


Randy is making more personal attacks than Byrne.  He has no issues. Take Kaine’s character issues and multiply by one hundred to measure how low Gilliland will go to buy the 91st HD seat. Lifelong Democrat Gilliland won’t even face the voters as a Democrat. He has the Democrat Governor and all the local Dems to his fund raiser. Gilliland spent almost $12k for a private detective to dig up dirt on Gear. The only dirt they could find is common mistakes and business downturns from 15 years ago.


Vote for a representative who paid his taxes late or a failed politician who is losing his job in Hampton and will raise your taxes every chance he gets. Vote for Gear who earned his 100 percent pro-family rating.


-- October 31, 2005











James Atticus Bowden has specialized in inter-

disciplinary, long-range "futures" studies for more than a decade. He is employed by a Defense Department contract for the Future Combat Systems. A 1972 graduate of the United States Military Academy, he is a retired Army Infantry Officer. He earned graduate degrees from Harvard University and Columbia University. He holds two elected Republican Party positions in Virginia.

Mr. Bowden's e-mail address is:


Read his profile here.