Patrick McSweeney


Cranky Cranwell


Gov. Warner counsels rapprochement with Republicans in Virginia. But the Democrats' new party chair has swung into attack mode.


Virginia Democrats appear to have taken a page from the playbook of the Democratic National Committee. Several months ago, the DNC elected former presidential candidate Howard Dean to be its chair.  Dean’s strident tone has been polarizing and an embarrassment to many Democrats. Among other notable statements, Dean has called the GOP “pretty much a white Christian party” and said that a lot of Republicans “have never made an honest living.”


When Kerry Donley announced that he would step down as chairman of the Democratic Party of Virginia, the state party turned to former state legislator C. Richard Cranwell to take Donley’s place. Cranwell declared before he was elected that he wanted to follow Virginia Gov. Mark Warner’s example and promote bipartisanship in Virginia.


Cranwell’s election on June 18 came just as some leading Democrats were publicly criticizing Dean’s style of leadership. The Los Angeles Times quoted Warner as saying that Dean was not using “the kind of tone a lot of Democratic governors in mostly Republican states are using to get elected or to govern.”


Yet in his first act as chairman, Cranwell set a tone closer to Dean than to Warner. He discarded bipartisanship in favor of a not very subtle attack on social conservatives and accusations that the GOP had achieved success through misrepresentation.  This is likely to provoke a round of debates about which party has told the biggest whopper.


Cranwell has long been known for his biting wit and tough partisan tactics. Following his recent comments about the desirability of bipartisanship, some observers thought perhaps a new and more moderate Dickie Cranwell would emerge as party chairman. That hasn’t happened.


Politics in Virginia does not function in a vacuum. Cranwell would have been well advised to avoid comparison to Dean. Had Cranwell’s inaugural speech as state party chairman not been delivered against the backdrop of daily news coverage of the political firestorm caused by Dean’s intemperate comments, few might have noticed Cranwell’s shift in tone.


The same criticism that many have directed at Dean can be leveled at Cranwell. Both have used inflammatory language without offering any substantive ideas of their own. This emphasis on the negative is hardly the approach that Warner has been pitching to national Democrats.


The kind of negative politicking that Dean and Cranwell lately represent makes it difficult to persuade voters that some attacks on the opposing party or its elected officials are warranted and fair. Not all negative politicking is out of line. In fact, a certain amount is necessary if politicians are to be held politically accountable to the voters. If politicians lie to the voters or violate campaign promises, they should be taken to task.


Voters have a difficult time distinguishing between negative attacks that are fair and even necessary to healthy politics and those that cross the line. Unfortunately, both the warranted and unwarranted negative attacks contribute to the public’s diminished respect for politicians.


The problem with the type of name calling that Dean and Cranwell have engaged in is that it doesn’t contribute to political accountability or to constructive political debate. It is calculated merely to excite the passions of the party’s hard core. Warner, who asked Cranwell to lead the party, may want to have a heart-to-heart talk with him before the new leader drowns out Warner’s message to national Democrats.


-- July 11, 2005











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