No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Barnie Day



The Debate Debate

Jerry Kilgore is making a fatal mistake refusing to debate Russ Potts. Love him or hate him, Potts is a legitimate candidate, and it makes Kilgore look weak to avoid him.


Jerry Kilgore must have been absent from class that day. Or misheard the word. Or something. (It’s "underdog" Jerry, not overdog." People pull for the underdog.)


It will prove to have been a costly mistake. How costly? Try governorship-costly. Kilgore will agree to debate Russ Potts or forego a real shot at being elected the next governor of Virginia.


I, for one, think he will find a way to agree. Why is that? At this point, he simply has no choice. To continue to duck Potts will do Kilgore’s campaign far more damage than Potts could possibly do to him in any debate.


Virginia is a Republican state by about nine points—the Bush spread over Kerry was the perfect snapshot—and losing a third debate, or a fourth, or fifth to Kaine is not going to change that. In a two-man race, Kilgore should have that nine point head-start going in and coming out, no matter what happens.


But Potts complicates that, particularly where those nine points are concerned. Visualize all of Virginia’s voters standing in a horizontal line, ranked left to right, liberal to conservative. The hardcore liberals are on the left end of the line, the hardcore conservatives are on the right. The two ends are well defined.


Here’s the thing, though: The center of that line is a fuzzy. That’s where the moderates are. That center is also where the nine points are. You see, the nine point Republican advantage is not made up of hardcore conservatives. It is found more towards the fuzzy, moderate center.


Enter Russ Potts. Will Potts get a single vote from either the far left end or far right end of that line? No.


Where will his votes come from, where will Potts take votes out of that line? Congratulations. You just broke the code. The question now is not how many he will take out of the dead center, but how many of the nine points he will take.


If you can visualize Potts as Pac Man, starting at the center and gobbling the line up to the right, you will understand what the Kilgore advisers fear most—that he will quickly chomp up those nine points.


What are the implications of that? Get the chalkboard and I’ll draw you a picture.


There is perception in politics, and then there is substance. Perception matters most. Inexplicably, Kilgore has let himself get trapped into the perception that he is somehow afraid to debate the senator from Winchester. I doubt that is the real case at all. Tim Kaine is who he should fear in debate. Tim Kaine is a great debater, by most accounts  By most accounts, the Democratic nominee has already clocked him twice.


Then why the duck on Potts? Two words: bad advice. Kilgore is getting bad advice from his handlers.


Dismissive of Potts from the beginning, they can’t seem to grasp the fact that the four-term Senator from Winchester is legitimate with a capital "L." He turned in more than 2000 signatures from each of Virginia’s congressional districts to get himself on the ballot. He’s picking up endorsements. He’s raising money. He’s talking about real issues. He’s doing all the things serious, legitimate candidates do. And he’s clamoring for admission to the debates.


Kilgore’s insistence that Potts be denied will prove to be a career-ender—for Kilgore. The Republican standard bearer has some of the best brains in the business working for him—they’re the best money can buy—but this blunder is one is going to be more expensive than anyone imagines. This one is going to cost Jerry Kilgore the governorship.


-- July 11, 2005













Barnie Day

604 Braswell Drive
Meadows of Dan, VA




Read his profile here.